Genuine earth mined Opal. This Has been examined by a master valuer, and a retail replacement value of $595 Canadian was determined retail replacement. .My prices are based on what I had to pay as an experienced buyer, and are always well below retail replacement. Opal is 14.7x10.5x7.2mm. Please read the IMPORTANT TERMS AND INFORMATION page at least once as it applies to all listings. ANY questions, please ask.
Retail replacement is for bricks and mortar stores..... I have spent a lifetime collecting, and used to sell to dealers. Now retired, I am doing this to raise funds for charities I believe in. Most jewelers know diamonds very well, but little or nothing about colored gems. Master valuers are experts in all stones. An unsigned, unsealed copy of his report is shown here and is included no charge. An unsigned, unsealed copy of his report is shown here and is included no charge. If you want a signed ,sealed copy made out in your name for insurance purposes one can be sent to you for an additional $35. Any questions, please ask..
Opal wholesales to the trade today for approx. $20 for a 1 cwt stone of very low grade quality to approx. $1,000 for a one carat example of extra fine quality. Larger opals bring more per carat. Black opals can go for $10,000 per carat.... but beware of smoke treated which look similar. The retail price will be several times that, depending on the retailers markup.
October Birthday.
Please take the time to read our listing: "Silver or Gold, what should I buy?" available on home page of my store.
If you are not sure how big this is , make certain you check on a measure marked in millimeters... the standard for measuring gems.
Questions PLEASE ASK.
.Better gems and jewelry items are kept in bank vault for security purposes and retrieving an item can cause a slight shipping delay.
Supply and demand rules in true gem buying as in every other human investment.
Each earth mined gem is a unique work of art, unlike the lab produced stones that can be produced in unlimited quantities.
Some people will never understand why people buy an original work of art when they can buy a poster for next to nothing.
Earth mined gems are for those that do. Invest in quality.