THIS IS A GENUINE EARTH MINED RUBY Unheated. Heavily included.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This setting is missing 4 topaz accents ( approx. 2mm each), one at each corner. NO CHARGE FOR THE SETTING. You can have any jeweler put stones in the corners if you wish ( for health reasons I can longer do this) Or wear as is.... not unattractive... but only fair to mention.
99% of all rubies are heated to improve the clarity and it is totally accepted in the trade. Unheated are more expensive. Some treatments drop the value considerably. make sure you know what you are getting.
If you are not sure how big this is , make certain you check on a measure marked in millimeters... the standard for measuring gems.
Ruby is the birth stone for those born in July. Corundum, with traces of chromium responsible for the color. Rubies are 9 on the moh's scale, right behind diamond ( moh's10)
Sapphires and rubies are the same, other than the color.
Ruby. More expensive that diamond at times. The most expensive ruby to my knowledge is the 25.59 carat Sunrise Ruby which sold at auction in 2015 for $30,420,000.00
Hindus consider ruby very spiritual.... believe the red comes from an eternal flame that no human can extinguish.
Believed to put fire into one's life, and bring economic prosperity.