Opal. Genuine earth mined. 5/5 clarity. No treatments. Birthstone for October. Hand finished by one of the finest in the business!
Opal only Appraised by Master Valuer at $7,330 before setting. . A 19.9 Carat Opal, 27.7 x 19.5 x 7.3 mm. Earth Mined .Exceptional Fire.
Please read the IMPORTANT TERMS AND INFORMATION page at least once as it applies to all listings. This gem deserves a gold setting. ANY questions, please ask.
My price is determined by what I had to pay, and is always considerably less than retail replacement. Setting is silver, coated in rhodium to look like white gold. Melee stones are white topaz. Such an opal is worth the expense of setting in gold and diamonds, but leave that to you. Nothing wrong with rhodium coated silver, and gold will add considerably to the cost. We include the silver setting at no charge, and can arrange a gold setting if you request . Retired, I am doing this to raise funds for charities, and , old, listing everything takes me forever. But. More than glad to provide more pictures if requested. Video available on request,
Any questions, please ask. For those that do not want to settle for imitations, this is a chance to buy real gems at good prices. All gems have been examined by at least one gemologist. Many by a master valuer. There are an incredible number of fake gems out there. All my gems are earth mined, genuine gems. Why settle for imitations. As in all things, supply and demand determine value. Earth mined gems go up in value. Mass produced man made gems do not.
This opal was appraised by an independent master valuer for $7,330 Canadian retail replacement value. (Steven Knight, GG,R.M.V.,CJA-CAP. ) Retail replacement is for brick and mortar stores. Feel free to download his appraisal at no charge. If you want a signed ,sealed copy for insurance purposes, one can send you one for $10 Master valuers are THE experts on coloured stones, and signed sealed appraisals from them are accepted by insurance companies as verified retail replacement value. Opal is an alternate birthstone for those born in April and October. One of my favourite gems.
Better gems and jewelry items are kept in bank vault for security purposes and retrieving an item can cause a slight shipping delay.