We only sell earth mined gems. Ruby. This Has been examined by an independent master valuer, and a retail replacement value of $475 Canadian was determined for the stone before setting. The retail replacement figure is designed for bricks and mortar jewelers with high overheads .I purchased my gems directly from the source..no middlemen.. and my prices are always well below retail replacement. My selling price is determined by what I had to pay. Main stone, 8.5x6.7x3.8mm. July Birthstone. Please read the IMPORTANT TERMS AND INFORMATION page at least once as it applies to all listings. ANY questions, please ask. This gem deserves a gold setting. Get one at wholesale ,now or in future.
Most jewelers know diamonds very well, but little or nothing about colored gems. Master valuers are experts in all stones. An unsigned, unsealed copy of his report is included at no charge. If you wish a copy signed and sealed by him, made out in your name, as I have partially paid for the appraisal, it can be arranged for an additional $35.Set in silver. Accent stones are earth mined clear topaz.
Rubies wholesale to the trade today for approx. $70 for a 1 cwt stone of very low grade quality to approx. $35,000 for a one carat example of extra fine quality. The price goes up to well over $100,000 or more per cwt. for extra fine larger examples. The retail price will be several times that, depending on the retailers markup.
Better gems and jewelry items are kept in bank vault for security purposes and retrieving an item can cause a slight shipping delay.
For those that do not want to settle for imitations, this is a chance to buy real gems at good prices. All gems have been examined by at least one gemologist. Many by a master valuer. There are an incredible number of fake gems out there. All my gems are earth mined, genuine gems. Why settle for imitations. Supply and demand rules in true gem buying as in every other human investment.
Each earth mined gem is a unique work of art.
Some people will never understand why people buy an original work of art when they can buy a poster for next to nothing.
Earth mined gems are for those that do. Invest in quality.
1) Unlike other jewelers, I sell quality colored gems in silver rather than inferior quality colored gems in gold and diamond settings. I place even my more expensive gems in silver and use clear topaz wherever possible for melee accent stones . I have had a life long love affair with colored gems, and personally find diamonds grossly overpriced. They are NOT nearly as rare as people think. For many years supply and price were totally controlled by DeBeers. This has lessened to some degree, but prices are still artificially high. Both gold and silver are suitable for jewelry, with gold being slightly more durable, but many many times more expensive. Also, most people cannot tell rhodium coated silver from white gold. White gold gets its color from that same rhodium coating. I believe at my pricing you can always change to gold if you wish and still be far ahead financially.
2) All our gemstones are true gems, earth mined, not man made. EXPECT FLAWS! We provide unaltered pictures of the gem for you are very high magnification. Minor inclusions in any gem are not, as some think, a bad thing. They help a gemologist determine the authenticity of a gem. Man made gems are perfect.... but they are not real earth mined gems, and can be made in the millions, and do not increase in value. The difference between an original oil and a print. Supply and demand rules
3) Our settings are silver, and in most cases have a coating of Rhodium to prevent tarnishing, and give the appearance of white gold. Rhodium is actually more expensive than gold . In most cases, the smaller accent stones are clear topaz. Many of our stones deserve gold settings and diamond melee, but this would make them many times more expensive. You can always do this yourself if you wish.... you are paying much less than the retail replacement value of the gem without the setting.
4) Stones were in most cases set by volunteers helping us raise money for animal charities. EXPECT FLAWS! Often they leave prongs a little too long, do not get the stone exactly level, etc. etc. BUT. We are not charging you for the settings! Most people enjoy them "as is" and the flaws do not bother them, but if they bother you, have them exchanged for professionally mounted settings in gold and diamond. At least this way you can see how they will look. Most people appreciate this. Sorry if you do not.
5)Rings that have been coated in rhodium to prevent tarnishing can be relatively expensive to re-size, as they will need to be recoated. Also, a significant resize can cause a problem for accent stones, as the setting distorts and may make them become loose. Always check to see what your local jeweller will cost to resize BEFORE you buy. Better yet.... best to look for a ring your size that does not require significant change. Small changes are easy and cheap... indeed, you can buy adjusters and do yourself ( believe Amazon sells them.) I have a lot of rings to choose from.
6)Even smaller pictures, while more accurately showing how the gem looks to the naked eye, still show the gem MUCH larger than it is of course.... if you are not sure how big this is , make certain you check on a measure marked in millimeters... the standard for measuring gems.)
Ruby is the birth stone for those born in July. Corundum, with traces of chromium responsible for the color. Rubies are 9 on the moh's scale, right behind diamond ( moh's10)
Sapphires and rubies are the same, other than the color.
Ruby. More expensive that diamond at times. The most expensive ruby to my knowledge is the 25.59 carat Sunrise Ruby which sold at auction in 2015 for $30,420,000.00
Hindus consider ruby very spiritual.... believe the red comes from an eternal flame that no human can extinguish.
Believed to put fire into one's life, and bring economic prosperity.