Appraised by an independent master valuer ( see info below) . Sapphire is the birthstone for those born in September. Please read the IMPORTANT TERMS AND INFORMATION page at least once as it applies to all listings. Setting is silver, accent stones are clear topaz. . ANY questions, please ask.
This gem deserves a gold setting. Get one at wholesale
All our gemstones are true gems, earth mined, not man made. EXPECT MINOR FLAWS! We provide unaltered pictures of the gem for you are very high magnification. Minor inclusions in any gem are not, as some think, a bad thing. They help a gemologist determine the authenticity of a gem. Man made gems are perfect.... but they are not real earth mined gems, and can be made in the millions, and do not increase in value. The difference between an original oil and a print. Supply and demand rules.
Better gems and jewelry items are kept in bank vault for security purposes and retrieving an item can cause a slight shipping delay.