THIS IS A GENUINE EARTH MINED SAPPHIRE. September Birthstone. 12.2 x 10. x 5 mm. 5.42cwt This Has been examined by a master valuer, and a retail replacement value of $813 for the stone before setting. Most jewelers know diamonds very well, but little or nothing about colored gems. Master valuers are experts in all stones. An unsigned, unsealed copy of his report is included no extra charge. If you wish a copy signed and sealed by him, as I have already partially paid, it can be arranged for an additional $30. Any questions, please ask. Silver setting coated in rhodium to prevent tarnishing, and give appearance of white gold. This gem deserves a gold setting. Get one at wholesale ,now or in future. Please read the IMPORTANT TERMS AND INFORMATION page at least once as it applies to all listings. ANY questions, please ask.
Sapphire is the birth stone for those born in September. Corundum, with traces of iron, titanium, chromium, vanadium or magnesium responsible for the color. Sapphires are 9 on the moh's scale, right behind diamond ( moh's10)
Sapphire is said to bring peace and prosperity to those that own it.
Sapphires are not as expensive as the other corundum, Ruby. The most expensive sapphire to my knowledge sold for approx. $17,00,000.00 at auction.