This is a genuine earth mined sapphire. The stone alone has a retail replacement of $815 Canadian as determined by an independent master valuer. The ring has an anti tarnish coating of rhodium( which also gives the ring the look of white gold) Rhodium, in the platinum family, is actually a lot more expensive than gold! In setting, the student left the prongs a little too long..... I have adjusted the price for this. If this does not bother you, a chance to buy at an excellent price. This gem deserves a gold setting. Get one at wholesale ,now or in future
Please read the IMPORTANT TERMS AND INFORMATION page at least once as it applies to all listings. ANY questions, please ask. Feel free to download the copy of the master valuers appraisal, unsigned, unsealed. If you wish to have a copy of the master valuers appraisal of the sapphire, signed and sealed, as I have already partially paid, I can arrange for him to send you one for an additional $30 .