We only sell earth mined gems. 4.63cwt star ruby. 11x8x4.6 mm Why Settle for Imitations? The retail replacement figure is designed for bricks and mortar jewelers with high overheads. I bought my gems direct from the source .and always sell well below retail replacement. Please read the IMPORTANT TERMS AND INFORMATION page at least once as it applies to all listings. ANY questions, please ask.
THIS IS A GENUINE EARTH MINED star ruby. Appraisal by a master valuer ( at time of this listing I am using Steven Knight GG, R.M.V., CJA-CAP) for a retail replacement value of $380 A signed ,sealed copy of his appraisal can be be sent to you for an additional $20 cost, made out in your name, and converted to your currency if you are not in Canada. It will be sent separately to you by Mr Knight from his lab. Takes a few extra days. Master valuers are considered THE experts on coloured gems, and their appraisals are accepted by insurance companies as genuine retail replacement value.
Rubies wholesale to the trade today for approx. $70 for a 1 cwt stone of very low grade quality to approx. $35,000 for a one carat example of extra fine quality. The price goes up to well over $100,000 or more per cwt. for extra fine larger examples. The retail price will be several times that, depending on the retailers markup.
NOTE: Supply and demand rules in true gem buying as in every other human investment.
Each earth mined gem is a unique work of art, unlike the lab produced stones that can be produced in unlimited quantities.
Some people will never understand why people buy an original work of art when they can buy a poster for next to nothing.
Earth mined gems are for those that do. Invest in quality.
Ruby is the birth stone for those born in July. Corundum, with traces of chromium responsible for the color. Rubies are 9 on the moh's scale, right behind diamond ( moh's10)
Sapphires and rubies are the same, other than the color.
Ruby. More expensive that diamond at times. The most expensive ruby to my knowledge is the 25.59 carat Sunrise Ruby which sold at auction in 2015 for $30,420,000.00
Hindus consider ruby very spiritual.... believe the red comes from an eternal flame that no human can extinguish.
Believed to put fire into one's life, and bring economic prosperity.