Earth mined topaz. 31.8cwt. Natural Earth Mined . Why Settle for Imitations? Light yellow as is typical of unheated topaz. Beautiful fire. Personally I prefer the the unheated. Please read the IMPORTANT TERMS AND INFORMATION page at least once as it applies to all listings. ANY questions, please ask.\
Yellow topaz wholesales to the trade today for approx. $10 for a 1 cwt stone of very low grade quality to approx. $400 for a one carat example of extra fine quality. The price goes up to $750 per cwt. for extra fine larger examples. The retail price can be several times that, depending on the retailers markup.
The retail replacement figure is designed for bricks and mortar jewelers with high overheads, and their gems pass through several middlemen before reaching the store. I bought directly from the source.... no middlemen, and I have no overheads..... so BIG difference in price.
Topaz is generally stable to light, but prolonged exposure to heat or sunlight might cause fading in yellow-to-brown, reddish brown, or dark brown topaz. Also, please note: a slightly darker background shows off the stone best when photographing, but does tend to make the stone look darker than it is. Once set, the darkened background also will do this. Any questions, please ask.
Topaz is the gem stone for November. It has been used as a gemstone for thousands of years. It is considered the symbol of friendship. Topaz in its natural state is a golden brown to yellow. Naturally occurring blue topaz is quite rare. , and almost all blue topaz on the market has been treated to produce that colour, as is some brown. An old English superstition says that topaz cures lunacy. (Never worked for me! :-) Topaz is the hardest of any silicate mineral, at 8 on the moh's scale.