Hand made by me from 217 individual pieces of wood: maple, mahogany, padauk, walnut. Approx. 16 inches in diameter, approx. 8.5 inches tall. I have sold over a dozen similar to this for $400 or more.
Large segmented bowls like this take a long time to make and can be difficult to handle on the lathe, and are therefore not common.
Indeed, I almost lost a couple of fingers while making the selection you see offered here, requiring a couple of trips to the hospital!
I really enjoyed the lathe.... but have decided I am now too old, so will be making no more.
I hope these give then new owners as much pleasure as I had making them.
I finished by adding numerous coats of hard wax, and buffing by hand. Just give it a quick polish once a year or so!
I have signed each work on the bottom.
ALL proceeds from PAY WHAT YOU WANT sales go to charity. You can decide what charity (just contact me) , or leave it up to me. Even the highest price suggested is much less than would normally be asked. Remember, you can also make offers on everything else we sell. (If you have a coupon code, it cannot be used in conjunction with the prices offered here in pay what you want. PLEASE TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT US! HELP US HELP.
Please note. You will still have to pay shipping, as shipping with tracking in Canada is NOT cheap.... There is NO such thing as free shipping... the shipping is built in to the selling price and almost always costs you more! But I will keep it as low as possible and combine when I can to keep it as cheap as possible. Sometimes the program on the site charges too much.... I will correct when possible. ANY QUESTIONS,PLEASE ASK!